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How do i make a new minecraft account name without buying the game again?

  • #1 Aug 29, 2014

    I've brought an account on minecraft but im wondering if i can make another one without buying the game again, is that possible? i've tried to create a new profile and changed my name but i logged into a server and it kept my old minecraft username. Sorry if this is confusing i can clarify it if you want me to >.<

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  • #2 Aug 29, 2014

    No, you can't. One username per account. You have to buy another account to get another username. But if you talking about changing your name, Mojang has plans within the couple months to release to the a service to change your name for a price.

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    "I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking"
    Albert Einstein

  • #3 Aug 29, 2014

    What pignoodle said. There changing it so you can change your name in 1.8 tho.

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  • #4 Aug 29, 2014

    No, you can't. One username per account. You have to buy another account to get another username. But if you talking about changing your name, Mojang has plans within the couple months to release to the a service to change your name for a price.

    Quote from Mojang:

    Changing your username will be free...


    Last edited by Guy901: Aug 29, 2014

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  • #5 Aug 29, 2014

    Oh, well that seems stupid of mojang. People would change their name then all the username combos would go down dramatically. Tons of usernames would get taken.

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    "I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking"
    Albert Einstein

  • #6 Sep 2, 2014

    No, you can't. One username per account. You have to buy another account to get another username. But if you talking about changing your name, Mojang has plans within the couple months to release to the a service to change your name for a price.

    Thx for your relpy, yea i read it but all my friends say they go to and make a new account, so i tried that :) thanks tho. it was nice of you to help me. and you made it easy to understand :D

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  • #7 Sep 2, 2014

    Sure, you can make a new account, but if you don't buy the game again the new account will be a demo account and you don't get to choose a name until you buy the game on it.

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    Just testing. :P

  • #8 Sep 2, 2014

    Oh, well that seems stupid of mojang. People would change their name then all the username combos would go down dramatically. Tons of usernames would get taken.

    That...doesn't make sense at all...
    There are already tons of names taken. Constant new accounts are being made and taken yet there are always more names available. As far as you and me know, there is an infinite amount of usernames available.

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